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姓名: 黄见良 出生年月: 1964.9
性别: 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 开设课程: 植物生理学;作物栽培研究进展;作物逆境及其调控
职称: 教授 研究方向: 水稻逆境生理、营养生理、高产高效栽培技术创新
学位: 农学博士


主要从事水稻逆境生理、营养生理、现代高产高效栽培技术创新等方向的研究,任湖北省科技创新研究团队领衔人,被评为湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家,兼任教育部高等学校植物生产类专业教学指导委员会秘书长、农业部水稻高产创建专家组成员、中国作物栽培专业委员会委员、《作物学报》编委、"The Crop Journal"副编辑。
主编或参编著作10部,在学术刊物发表论文140多篇,其中SCI收录论文74篇,包括在Nature和PNAS合著论文各1篇,作为通讯作者在Plant Cell & Environment、Journal Experimental Botany、Scitific Reports等各发表论文1篇,累计被SCI源刊引用1100多次。2004年发表在PNAS论文“Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming” 2005年被美国Discover Magazine评为“2004年全球100起重要科学事件”,排名第68位。

1. 全球气候变化之增温对水稻产量和品质及氮代谢与氮效率的影响及机理研究(国家自然基金委重大国际合作项目,主持)
2. 水稻超高产群体结构和功能的优化机理及其调控(科技部973项目子专题,2009CB118605,主持)
3. 湖北单季稻大面积均衡增产集成研究与示范(科技部科技支撑计划,2012BAD04B12,主持)
4. 作物最佳养分管理技术研究与应用(湖北)(农业部行业计划子课题,201103030,主持)
5. 转基因水稻生态适应性与配套栽培技术研究(农业部转基因专项子课题,主持)
6. 全球气候变化条件下提高水稻光合效率的机理研究(湖北省自然科学基金创新团队,主持)
7. 基于冠层图像分析的水稻营养状态无损监测与施肥技术(农业部948项目子课题,2012-Z5

1. “农科专业“三田三早”实践育人模式的改革与实践”(2014年国家级教学成果二等奖,第4完成人)
2. 农科专业“三田三早”实践育人模式的改革与实践(2013年湖北省高等学校教学成果一等奖,第4完成人,20130434)
3. “植物保护专业创新人才培养体系研究与实践”(2013年湖北省高等学校教学成果二等奖,第5完成人)
4. “粮食作物两熟制光温资源优化配置及其高产高效技术应用”(中国农业科学院科学技术成果一等奖,第4完成人,2013-1-02-R04)
5. “湖北省水稻区域丰产高效关键技术创新与集成应用”(2012年获湖北省科技进步一等奖,第5完成人,2012J-245-1-036-003-R05)
6. “水稻实地氮肥管理(SSNM)技术研究与应用”(2007年获湖北省科技进步三等奖,第2完成人)
7. 论文“Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming” (PNAS, 2004;2005年获 CGIAR授予“The CGIAR Science Awards for Outstanding Scientific Article”,第2作者)
8. “水稻快速清茬免耕栽培技术研究与应用”(2003年获湖南省科技进步二等奖,第8完成人,2003210028-2-08)
9. “高蛋白饲料稻基础理论及应用技术研究”(2002年获湖南省科技进步二等奖,第8完成人,2002210021-2-08)
10. “作物壮秧(苗)营养剂的研究与开发” (2001年获湖南省科技进步三等奖,第4完成人,2001016307-3-04)
11. “双季稻旺壮重高产栽培技术研究”(1999年获湖南省科技进步二等奖,第3完成人,9926275)


1. 主编《植物生理生化实验原理与技术》(第3版,普通高等教育“十二五”国家级规划教材,高教出版社,2014)
2. 参编《现代植物生理学》(第3版,普通高等教育“十二五”国家级规划教材,高等教育出版社,2012)
3. 副主编《作物逆境与调控》(中国农业出版社,2010)
4. 参编《主要作物高产高效技术规程》(中国农业大学出版社,2010)
5. 参编《绿色超级稻的构想与实践》(科学出版社,2009)
6. 参编《作物栽培学总论》(全国高等农林院校规划教材,科学出版社,2007)
7. 参编《生物信息学》(全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材,中国农业出版社,2006)
8. 副主编《双季稻超高产栽培技术体系研究与应用》(湖南科技出版社出版,1999)
9. 主编《实用肥料手册》(湖南科技出版社出版,1997)
1. Xinping Chen, Zhenling Cui, Mingsheng Fan, Peter Vitousek, Ming Zhao, Wenqi Ma, Zhenlin Wang, Weijian Zhan, Xiaoyuan Yan, Jianchang Yang, Xiping Deng, Qiang Gao, Qiang Zhang, Shiwei Guo, Jun Ren, Shiqing Li, Youliang Ye, Zhaohui Wang, Jianliang Huang, Qiyuan Tang, Yixiang Sun, Xianlong Peng, Jiwang Zhang, Mingrong He, Yunji Zhu, Jiquan Xue, Guiliang Wang, Liang Wu,Ning An, Liangquan Wu, Lin Ma, Weifeng Zhang, & Fusuo Zhang. Producing more grain with lower environmental costs. Nature, 2014, 514,23: 486-489.
2. Peng SB , Huang JL , Sheehy JE , Laza RC , Visperas RM , Zhong XH , Centeno GS , Khush GS , Cassman KG. Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming. PNAS, 2004, 101: 9971-9975.
3. Dongliang Xiong, Xi Liu, Cyril Douthe, Limin Liu, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng, and Jianliang Huang. Rapid responses of mesophyll conductance to changes of CO2 concentration, temperature and irradiance are affected by N supplements in rice. Plant Cell & Environment. 2015, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pce.12558/abstract;jsessionid=F1AA84584B9A2011F9ADEF46317663EB.f04t01.(通讯作者)
4. Dongliang Xiong, Jia Chen, Tingting Yu, Wanlin Gao, Xiaoxia Ling, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng and Jianliang Huang. SPAD-based leaf nitrogen estimation is impacted by environmental factors and crop leaf characteristics. Scientific Reports. 2015, www.nature.com/articles/srep13389. (通讯作者)
5. Xiong DL, Yu TT, Zhang T, Li Y, Peng SB and Huang JL. Leaf hydraulic conductance is coordinated with leaf morphoanatomical traits and nitrogen status in the genus Oryza . J Exp Bot. 2015, 66, 741-748. (通讯作者)
6. Dongliang Xiong , TingtingYu, Xi Liu, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng, and Jianliang Huang. Heterogeneity of photosynthesis within leaves is associated with alteration of leaf structural features and leaf N content per leaf area in rice. Functional Plant Biology, 2015, 42, 687–696. (通讯作者)
7. Shah Fahad, Saddam Hussain, Shah Saud, Mohsin Tanveer, Ali Ahsan Bajwa, Shah Hassan, Adnan Noor Shah, Abid Ullah, Chao Wu, Faheem Ahmed Khan, Farooq Shah, Sami Ullah, Yajun Chen, Jianliang Huang. A biochar application protects rice pollen from high-temperature stress. Plant Physiol. Bioch., 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2015.08.009. (通讯作者)
8. Shah Fahad, Lixiao Nie, Saddam Hussain, Fahad Khan, Faheem Ahmed Khan, Adnan Tabassum, Chao wu, Dongliang Xoing, Shah Saud, Haji Muhammad, Kehui cui, Jianliang Huang. Rice Pest Management And Biological Control. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 2015, 16:85-106. (通讯作者)
9. Shah Fahad, Saddam Hussain, Shah Saud, Shah Hassan, Darakhshan , Yutiao Chen, Nanyan Deng, Fahad Khan, Chao Wu, Wei Wu, Farooq Shah, Bashir Ullah, Muhammad Yousaf, Saqib Ali and Jianliang Huang. Grain Cadmium and Zinc Concentrations in Maize Influenced by Genotypic Variations and Zinc Fertilization. CLEAN-Soil Air Water, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/clen.201400376.(通讯作者)
10. Xiong DL, Yu TT, Ling XX, Fahad S, Peng SB, Li Y and Huang JL. Sufficient leaf transpiration and nonstructural carbohydrates are beneficial for high-temperature tolerance in three rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars and two nitrogen treatments. Funct Plant Biol. 2015,42(4):347-356. (共同通讯作者)
11. Shah Fahad, Saddam Hussain, Fahad Khan, Chao Wu, Shah Saud, Shah Hassan, Naeem Ahmad, Deng Gang, Abid Ullah, Jianliang Huang. Effects of tire rubber ash and zinc sulfate on crop productivity and cadmium accumulation in five rice cultivars under field conditions. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2015, 22:12424–12434. (通讯作者)
12. Shah Fahad, Saddam Hussain, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan, Shah Saud, Chao Wu, Shah Hassan, Mohsin Tanveer, Amanullah Jan, Jianliang Huang. Weed growth and crop yield loss in wheat as influenced by row spacing and weed emergence times. Crop Protection. 2015,71: 101-108. (通讯作者)
13. Nanyan Deng, Xiaoxia Ling, Yang Sun, Congde Zhang, Shah Fahad, Shaobing Peng, Kehui Cui, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang. Influence of temperature and solar radiation on grain yield and quality in irrigated rice system. European Journal of Agronomy. 2015,64:37-46. (通讯作者)
14. Shah Fahad, Saddam Hussain, Asghari Bano, Shah Saud, Shah Hassan, Darakh Shan, Faheem Ahmed Khan, Fahad Khan, Yutiao Chen, Chao Wu, Muhammad Adnan Tabassum, Ma Xiao Chun, Muhammad Afzal, Amanullah Jan, Mohammad Tariq Jan, Jianliang Huang. Potential role of phytohormones and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in abiotic stresses: consequences for changing environment. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2015, 22:4907–4921. (通讯作者)
15. Fahad S, Khan FA, Pandupuspitasari NS, Ahmed MM, Liao YC, Waheed MT, Sameeullah M, Darkhshan, Hussain S, Saud S, Hassan S, Jan A, Jan MT, Wu C, Ma XC, Huang JL. Recent develpopments in therapeutic protein expression technologies in plants . Biotech Lett. 2015,37(2): 265-279. (通讯作者)
16. Fahad S, Hussain S, Matloob A, Khan FA, Khaliq A, Saud S, Hassan S, Shan D, Khan F, Ullah N, Faiq M, Khan MR, Tareen AK, Khan A, Ullah A, Ullah N, Hang JL. Phytohormones and plant responses to salinity stress: a review. Plant Growth Regul. 2015, 75(2):391-404. (通讯作者)
17. Wei Wu, Farooq Shah, Fahad Shah, Jianliang Huang. Rice sheath blight evaluation as affected by fertilization rate and planting density. Aust. Plant Pathol. 2015, 44:183–189. (通讯作者)
18. Shah Fahad, Lixiao Nie, Yutiao Chen, Chao Wu, Dongliang Xiong, Shah Saud, Liu Hongyan, Kehui Cui, Jianliang Huang. Crop Plant Hormones and Environmental Stress. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews. 2015, 15: 371-400. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09132-7_10.(通讯作者)
19. Fahad S., Hussain S., Saud S., Hassan S., Muhammad H., Shan D., Chen C., Wu C., Xiong D., Khan S. B. , Jan A., Cui K., Huang J.. Consequences of narrow crop row spacing and delayed Echinochloa colona and Trianthema portulacastrum emergence for weed growth and crop yield loss in maize. Weed Research. 2014, 54(5):475-483. (通讯作者)
20. Jian Zaiping, Wang Fei, Li Zhongzheng, Chen Yutiao, Ma Xiaochun, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Peng Shaobing, Lin Yongjun, Song Hongzhi, Li Yong, Huang Jianliang. Grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency responses to N application in Bt (CrylAb/Ac) transgenic two-line hybrid. rice. Field Crops Res., 2014, 155: 184-191. (通讯作者)
21. Wu Wei, Wan Xuejie, Shah Farooq, Fahad Shah, Huang Jianliang. The Role of Antioxidant Enzymes in Adaptive Responses to Sheath Blight Infestation under Different Fertilization Rates and Hill Densities. Scientific World Journal. 2014, DOI: 10.1155/2014/502134. (通讯作者)
22. Shah Fahad, Lixiao Nie, Faheem Ahmed Khan, Yutiao Chen, Saddam Hussain, Chao Wu, Dongliang Xiong, Wang Jing, Shah Saud, Farhan Anwar Khan, Yong Li, Wei Wu, Fahad Khan, Shah Hassan, Abdul Manan, Amanullah Jan, Jianliang Huang. Disease resistance in rice and the role of molecular breeding in protecting rice crops against diseases. Biotechnol Lett. 2014, 36:1407-1420. (通讯作者)
23. Shah Farooq, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Shah Tariq, Wu Wei, Chen Chang, Zhu Liyang, Ali Farhan, Fahad Shah, Huang Jianliang. Rice grain yield and component responses to near 2 degrees C of warming. Field Crops Res., 2014, 157: 98-110. (通讯作者)
24. Wu W., Nie L., Shah F., Liao Y., Cui K., Jiang D., Xie J., Chen Y., Huang J.. Influence of canopy structure on sheath blight epidemics in rice. Plant Path., 2014, 63: 98-108. (通讯作者)
25. Wu Wei, Liao Yuncheng, Shah Farooq, Nie Lixiao, Peng Shaobing, Cui Kehui, Huang Jianliang. Plant growth suppression due to sheath blight and the associated yield reduction under double rice-cropping system in central China. Field Crops Res., 2013, 144: 268-280. (通讯作者)
26. Wu Wei, Nie Lixiao, Liao Yuncheng, Shah Farooq, Cui Kehui, Wang Qiang, Lian Yun, Huang Jianliang. Toward yield improvement of early-season rice: Other options under double rice-cropping system in central China. Eur. J. Agron., 2013, 45: 75-86. (通讯作者)
27. Lian Yun, Chen Mingxia, Shah Farooq, Wang Qiang, Chen Yutiao, Cui Kehui, Nie Lixiao, Huang Jianliang. Difference between NH4+ and NO3- uptake kinetics of different rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown hydroponically. J. Food Agr. Env., 2012, 10: 437-442. (通讯作者)
28. Wang Fei, Jian Zaiping, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Peng Shaobing, Lin Yongjun, Huang Jianliang. Effects of N treatments on the yield advantage of Bt-SY63 over SY63 (Oryza sativa) and the concentration of Bt protein. Field Crops Res., 2012, 129: 39-45. (通讯作者)
29. Wang Fei, Ye Cheng, Zhu Liyang, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Peng Shaobing, Lin Yongjun, Huang Jianliang. Yield differences between Bt transgenic rice lines and their non-Bt counterparts, and its possible mechanism. Field Crops Res., 2012, 126: 8-15. (通讯作者)
30. Shah F., Huang J., Cui K., Nie L., Shah T., Chen C., Wang K.. Impact of high-temperature stress on rice plant and its traits related to tolerance. J. Agron. Sci., 2011, 149: 545-556. (通讯作者)
31. Shah Farooq, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Nie Lixiao, Shah Tariq, Wu Wei, Wang Kai, Khan Zafar Hayat, Zhu Liyang, Chen Chang. Physiological and biochemical changes in rice associated with high night temperature stress and their amelioration by exogenous application of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Austr. J. Crop Sci., 2011, 5: 1810-1816. (通讯作者)
32. Huang Jianliang , He Fan , Cui Kehui , Buresh Roland J. , Xu Bo , Gong Weihua , Peng Shaobing. Determination of optimal nitrogen rate for rice varieties using a chlorophyll meter. Field Crops Res., 2008, 105: 70-80.
33. Huang JL , Peng SB. Comparison and standardization among chlorophyll meters in their readings on rice leaves. Plant Prod. Sci., 2004, 7: 97-100.
34. Huang JL , Peng SB. Influence of storage methods on total nitrogen analysis in rice leaves. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 2004, 35:879-888.
35. Zhe Hu, Yi Liu, Liying Huang, Shaobing Peng, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Jianliang Huang, Fei Wang. Premature heading and yield losses caused by prolonged seedling age in double cropping rice. Field Crops Research, 2015, 183: 147–155.
36. W. Xu, X. S. Luo,, Y. P. Pan, L. Zhang, A. H. Tang, J. L. Shen, Y. Zhang, K. H. Li, Q. H. Wu, D. W. Yang, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Xue, W. Q. Li, Q. Q. Li, L. Tang, S. H. Lu, T. Liang, Y. A. Tong, P. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Q. Xiong, X. J. Shi, L. H. Wu, W. Q. Shi, K. Tian, X. H. Zhong, K. Shi, Q. Y. Tang, L. J. Zhang, J. L. Huang, C. E. He, F. H. Kuang, B. Zhu, H. Liu, X. Jin, Y. J. Xin, X. K. Shi, E. Z. Du, A. J. Dore, S. Tang, J. L. Collett Jr., K. Goulding, F. S. Zhang, and X. J. Liu. Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 2015, 15, 18365–18405.
37. Xu Wei , Cui Kehui , Xu Aihui , Nie Lixiao , Huang Jianliang , Peng Shaobing. Drought stress condition increases root to shoot ratio via alteration of carbohydrate partitioning and enzymatic activity in rice seedlings. Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:9, DOI 10.1007/s11738-014-1760-0.
38. Hussain Saddam, Zheng Manman, Khan Fahad, Khaliq Abdul, Fahad Shah, Peng Shaobing, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Nie Lixiao. Benefits of rice seed priming are offset permanently by prolonged storage and the storage conditions. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: DOI: 10.1038/srep08101.
39. Liu HY, Hussain S, Zheng MM, Peng SB, Huang JL, Cui KH and Nie LX. Dry direct-seeded rice as an alternative to transplanted-flooded rice in Central China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2015, 35(1): 285-294
40. Hussain S, Peng SB, Fahad S, Khaliq A, Huang JL, Cui KH and Nie LX. Rice management interventions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22(5):3342-60.
41. Wang Kai, Cui Kehui, Liu Guoling, Xie Weibo, Yu Huihui, Pan Junfeng, Huang Jianliang, Nie Lixiao, Shah Farooq, Peng Shaobing. Identification of quantitative trait loci for phosphorus use efficiency traits in rice using a high density SNP map. BMC GENETICS. 2014, 15. DOI: 10.1186/s12863-014-0155-y.
42. Sun L, Hussain S, Liu H, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, and Nie L. 2015. Implications of low sowing rate for hybrid rice varieties under dry direct-seeded rice system in Central China. Field Crops Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.02.009.
43. Liu HY, Hussain S, Peng SB, Huang JL, Cui KH, Nie LX. Potentially toxic elements concentration in milled rice differ among various planting patterns. Field Crops Res. 2014, 168:19-26.
44. Liming Sun, Manman Zheng, Hongyan Liu, Shaobing Peng, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, and Lixiao Nie. Water Management Practices Affect Arsenic and Cadmium Accumulation in Rice Grains. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, DOI: 10.1155/2014/596438.
45. Nie Lixiao, Fahad Shah, Peng Shaobing, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui. Causes of Soil Sickness Associated with Aerobic Rice Continuous Monocropping. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2014, 16(2): 431-434.
46. Chen Chang, Huang Jianliang, Zhu Liyang, Shah Farooq, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Peng Shaobing. Varietal difference in the response of rice chalkiness to temperature during ripening phase across different sowing dates. Field Crops Res., 2013, 151: 85-91.
47. Wang Kai, Zhou Hongying, Wang Bangju, Jian Zaiping, Wang Fei, Huang Jianliang, Nie Lixiao, Cui Kehui, Peng Shaobing. Quantification of border effect on grain yield measurement of hybrid rice. Field Crops Res., 2013, 141: 47-54.
48. Nie Lixiao, Peng Shaobing, Bouman Bas, Shah Farooq, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Wu Wei, Xiang Jing, Visperas Romeo. Synergic Effect of Flooding and Nitrogen Application on Alleviation of Soil Sickness Caused by Aerobic Rice Monocropping. Plant Prod. Sci., 2012, 15: 246-251.
49. Nie Lixiao, Peng Shaobing, Chen Mingxia, Shah Farooq, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Xiang Jing. Aerobic rice for water-saving agriculture. A review. Agron. Suntain. Devel., 2012, 32: 411-418.
50. Qi Xiaoli, Nie Lixiao, Liu Hongyan, Peng Shaobing, Shah Farooq, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Sun Liming. Grain yield and apparent N recovery efficiency of dry direct-seeded rice under different N treatments aimed to reduce soil ammonia volatilization. Field Crops Res., 2012, 134: 138-143.
51. Wang Qiang, Huang Jianliang, He Fan, Cui Kehui, Zeng Jianmin, Nie Lixiao, Peng Shaobing. Head rice yield of super hybrid rice Liangyoupeijiu grown under different nitrogen rates. Field Crops Res., 2012, 134: 71-79.
52. Wei Dong, Cui Kehui, Ye Guoyou, Pan Junfeng, Xiang Jing, Huang Jianliang, Nie Lixiao. QTL mapping for nitrogen-use efficiency and nitrogen-deficiency tolerance traits in rice. PLANT AND SOIL, 2012, 359: 281-295.
53. Wu Wei, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Nie Lixiao, Wang Qiang, Yang Fan, Shah Farooq, Yao Fengxian, Peng Shaobing. Sheath blight reduces stem breaking resistance and increases lodging susceptibility of rice plants. Field Crops Res., 2012, 128: 101-108.
54. Yao Fengxian, Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Nie Lixiao, Xiang Jing, Liu Xiaojin, Wu Wei, Chen Mingxia, Peng Shaobing. Agronomic performance of high-yielding rice variety grown under alternate wetting and drying irrigation. Field Crops Res., 2012, 126: 16-22.
55. Zeng Xiangming, Han Baoji, Xu Fangsen, Huang Jianliang, Cai Hongmei, Shi Lei. Effects of modified fertilization technology on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of midseason rice. Field Crops Res., 2012, 137: 203-212.
56. Xiaoli Qi, Wei Wu, Shaobing Peng, Farooq Shah, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, Hongyan Liu and Lixiao Nie. 2012. Improvement of early seedling growth of dry direct-seeded rice by urease inhibitors application. Aust. J. of Crop Sci., 6(3):525-531.
57. Dong Wei, Kehui Cui, Junfeng Pan, Qiang Wang, Kai Wang, Xiaomei Zhang, Jing Xiang, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang. 2012. Identification of quantitative trait loci for grain yield and its components in response to low nitrogen application in rice. Aust. J. of Crop Sci., 6(6):686-994.
58. Pan Junfeng, Cui Kehui, Wei Dong, Huang Jianliang, Xiang Jing, Nie Lixiao. Relationships of non-structural carbohydrates accumulation and translocation with yield formation in rice recombinant inbred lines under two nitrogen levels. Physiologia Platarum, 2011, 141: 321-331.
59. Wei Dong, Cui Kehui, Pan Junfeng, Ye Guoyou, Xiang Jing, Nie Lixiao, Huang Jianliang. Genetic dissection of grain nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield and their relationship in rice. Field Crops Res., 2011, 124: 340-346.
60. Yang Mei, Wei Dong, Wang Qiang, Wang Kai, Cui Kehui, Huang Jiangliang. Dry Matter and Nitrogen Partitioning in Rice Genotypes Varying in Different Nitrogen Harvest Index. Philippine J. Crop Sci., 2011, 36: 1-9.
61. Peng Shaobing, Buresh Roland J., Huang Jianliang, Zhong Xuhua, Zou Yingbin, Yang Jianchang, Wang Guanghuo, Liu Yuanying, Hu Ruifa, Tang Qiyuan, Cui Kehui, Zhang Fusuo, Dobermann Achim. Improving nitrogen fertilization in rice by site-specific N management. A review. Agron. Suntain. Devel., 2010, 30: 649-656.
62. Peng Shaobing, Huang Jianliang, Cassman Kenneth G., Laza Rebecca C., Visperas Romeo M., Khush Gurdev S.. The importance of maintenance breeding: A case study of the first miracle rice variety-IR8. Field Crops Res., 2010, 119: 342-347.
63. Xu Youzun, Nie Lixiao, Buresh Roland J., Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Xu Bo, Gong Weihua, Peng Shaobing. Agronomic performance of late-season rice under different tillage, straw, and nitrogen management. Field Crops Res., 2010, 115: 79-84.
64. Nie Lixiao, Peng Shaobing, Bouman Bas A. M., Huang Jianliang, Cui Kehui, Visperas Romeo M., Xiang Jing. Alleviating soil sickness caused by aerobic monocropping: Responses of aerobic rice to various nitrogen sources. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 2009, 55: 150-159.
65. Nie Lixiao , Xiang Jing , Peng Shaobing , Bouman Bas A. M. , Huang Jianliang , Cui Kehui , Visperas Romeo M.. Alleviating soil sickness caused by aerobic monocropping: Responses of aerobic rice to fallow, flooding and crop rotation. J. Food Agr. Env., 2009, 7: 723-727.
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1. Fahad Shah, Hussain Saddam, Bano Asghari, Saud Shah, Hassan Shah, Shan Darakh, Khan Faheem Ahmed, Khan Fahad, Chen Yutiao, Wu Chao, Tabassum Muhammad Adnan, Chun Ma Xiao, Afzal Muhammad, Jan Amanullah, Jan Mohammad Tariq, Huang Jianliang. Potential role of phytohormones and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in abiotic stresses: consequences for changing environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 2015, 22(7) :4907-21. (通讯作者)
2. Fei Wang, Shaobing Peng, Kehui Cui, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang. Field performance of Bt transgenic crops: A review. Aust. J. of Crop Sci.. 2014, 8(1):18-26. (通讯作者)
3. Shah Fahad, Asghari Bano, Shah Saud, Kai Wang, Jianliang Huang.Ultraviolet radiation effect on photosynthetic pigments, biochemical attributes, antioxidant enzyme activity and hormonal contents of wheat. J. of Food Agr. Env.. 2013, 11: (3&4). (通讯作者)
4. Shah Fahad, Lixiao Nie, Amjadur Rahman, Chang Chen, Chao Wu, Shah Saud, Jianliang Huang. Comparative Efficacy of Different Herbicides for Weed Management and Yield Attributes in Wheat. Am. J. of Plant Sci., 2013, 4, 1241-1245. (通讯作者)
5. Liyang Zhu, Farooq Shah, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Tariq Shah, Chang Chen, Kai Wang, Qiang Wang, Yun Lian, and Jianliang Huang. Efficacy of sowing date adjustment as a management strategy to cope with rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed quality deterioration due to elevated temperature. Aust. J. of Crop Sci., 2013, 7:543-549. (通讯作者)
6. Shah Fahad , Lixiao Nie , Amjadur Rahman , Chang Chen , Chao Wu , Shah Saud , Jianliang Huang. Comparative Efficacy of Different Herbicides for Weed Management and Yield Attributes in Wheat. Am. J. of Plant Sci., 2013, 4, 1241-1245. (通讯作者)
7. Chen Mingxia, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, Lixao Nie, Farooq Shah. 2009. Genotypic Variations in terms of NH3 Volatilization in Four Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Cultivars. Asian Journal of Plant Science 85(5): 353-360. (通讯作者)
8. Liu H, Hussain S, Zheng M, Sun L, Shah F, Huang JL, Cui K and Nie LX. Progress and constraints of dry direct-seeded rice in China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2014, 12:465-472.
9. Nie L, Peng S, Bouman BAM, Huang J, Cui K, Visperas RM, and Park HK. 2007. Solophos fertilizer improved rice plant growth in aerobic soil. Journal of Integrated Field Science, 4: 65-70.

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11. 陈明霞,周彩云,李明军,崔克辉,聂立孝,黄见良.光呼吸和谷氨酰胺合成酶抑制剂对水稻冠层NH_3挥发的影响.植物科学学报,2011,02:206-211. (通讯作者)
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14. 贺帆,黄见良,崔克辉,王强,汤蕾蕾,龚伟华,徐波,彭少兵,RonaldJ.Buresh.实时实地氮肥管理对不同杂交水稻氮肥利用率的影响.中国农业科学,2008,02:470-479. (通讯作者)
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39. 黄见良,李合松,邹应斌,李建辉,屠乃美.应用(14)C示踪研究双季超高产栽培条件下水稻后期功能叶的光合特性.核农学报,2002,02:75-79.
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